HOUSTON (AP) — A United flight from Houston to Fort Myers, Texas, was forced turn around Monday after one of the plane’s engines caught fire. Several of the 167 passengers aboard the Boeing 737 took video showing a line of flames shooting out of the engine, KTRK-TV reported. “I remember there was just this bright, flashing light that came through …
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Cinco muertos tras estrellarse un avión pequeño junto a una autopista de Nashville
NASHVILLE, Tennessee, EE.UU. (AP) — Un avión pequeño con un solo motor se estrelló el lunes por la tarde cerca de una autopista interestatal en Nashville, Tennessee, apenas a unos kilómetros del aeropuerto al que intentaba llegar para un aterrizaje de emergencia, según las autoridades. Las cinco personas que iban a bordo murieron. El piloto hizo una llamada de emergencia …
Read More »American Airlines comprará 260 aviones de Boeing, Airbus y Embraer ante aumento de demanda
DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines comprará 260 aviones nuevos de Boeing, Airbus y Embraer a fin de satisfacer el aumento en la demanda de viajes e incrementar su oferta de asientos privilegiados. La aerolínea anunció el lunes que presentó opciones además para adquirir otras 193 aeronaves en los años venideros. Ni la aerolínea ni las compañías fabricantes revelaron el precio …
Read More »Third person dies from Milwaukee shooting that injured 4
MILWAUKEE (AP) — A third person died Thursday from injuries sustained in a shooting earlier this week that claimed four victims, police said. A 39-year-old person died in a hospital from the shooting Sunday in which several people opened fire on each other, police said. The person’s name and gender haven’t been released. The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office previously …
Read More »Jeffrey Epstein grand jury records from underage girl abuse probe to be released under Florida law
Grand jury transcripts from a 2006 Florida investigation into Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of dozens of underage girls will be released publicly later this year under legislation signed into law Thursday by Gov. Ron DeSantis. A local judge cited the new law in denying release of the records for now. The measure, which takes effect July 1, would carve out a …
Read More »South Dakota Republican lawmakers want clarity for the state’s abortion laws. They propose a video
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota’s Republican-controlled Legislature on Thursday approved the creation of a video to outline the state’s abortion laws and to clarify when health care providers are legally allowed to intervene. The bill passed by the state Senate in a 31-3 vote is also intended for the general public and would require the state Department of Health, …
Read More »Missouri is suing Planned Parenthood based on a conservative group’s sting video
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Missouri’s attorney general filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing Planned Parenthood of illegally taking minors into Kansas to obtain abortions without parental consent, basing the allegation on a video from a conservative group that has promoted false claims on other issues. Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s lawsuit accuses Kansas City, Missouri-based Planned Parenthood Great Plains of violating …
Read More »Sondeo AP-NORC revela división partidista en EEUU sobre financiación militar para Ucrania
WASHINGTON (AP) — A medida que Rusia avanza en el campo de batalla y los soldados ucranianos se quedan sin municiones, la población adulta estadounidense se ha dividido en líneas partidistas en su apoyo sobre enviar ayuda militar a Kiev, según una encuesta de The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Es más probable que los demócratas hoy digan …
Read More »El líder republicano en el Senado, Mitch McConnell, dejará su puesto
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, el líder del Senado con más años de servicio en la historia y que mantuvo su poder frente a dramáticas convulsiones en el Partido Republicano durante casi dos décadas, dejará su cargo en noviembre. El republicano, que cumplió 82 años la semana pasada, anunció su decisión el miércoles en el recinto del Senado, un lugar …
Read More »A pregnant Amish woman is killed in her rural Pennsylvania home, and police have no suspects
SPARTANSBURG, Pa. (AP) — Investigators have no suspects in the killing of a pregnant 23-year-old Amish woman inside her home in rural northwestern Pennsylvania, and are appealing for tips from the public to help solve the crime, a state police spokeswoman said Wednesday. Rebekah A. Byler was the victim of a criminal homicide inside her home on Fish Flats Road, …
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