MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The government of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has taken steps to to address human rights abuses in the country, including the killings of journalists and rights activists, a U.N. expert said Friday. However, more needs to be done, she said, including ensuring accountability. The remarks by United Nations Special Rapporteur Irene Khan came at the …
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Desata polémica en España cartel de Cristo joven, apuesto y vistiendo un taparrabos
MADRID (AP) — Un cartel publicado en la ciudad española de Sevilla en que se representa a Jesús joven, apuesto y vistiendo sólo un taparrabos ha desatado una tormenta en las redes sociales, donde algunos lo calificaron como una afrenta a la figura de Cristo y otros publicaron comentarios lascivos y memes burlándose de la imagen. El cartel del artista …
Read More »Students and police clash in Greece as debate rages over legalizing private universities
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Police and student protesters clashed in the center of the Greek capital on Thursday after a demonstration against government plans to allow private universities. Demonstrators in Athens attacked police cordons, set fire to trash dumpsters and threw stones at riot police near parliament and later during clashes along the capital’s narrow streets. Police responded with tear …
Read More »Juez británico desestima demanda de Trump que acusaba a exespía de dañar su reputación con un informe \”escandaloso\”
LONDRES (AP) — Juez británico desestima demanda de Trump que acusaba a exespía de dañar su reputación con un informe “escandaloso.”
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