DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An Israeli sabotage attack on an Iranian natural gas pipeline last week caused multiple explosions on the line, Iran’s oil minister alleged Wednesday, further raising tensions between the regional archenemies against the backdrop of Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The accusations by Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Owji come as Israel has …
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A farm truck falls into a ravine in the central Philippines killing 14, police say
BACOLOD, Philippines (AP) — A farm truck carrying villagers drove off a cliff in the central Philippines on Wednesday in an accident that left at least 14 passengers dead, police said. Three other people on the truck, including the driver, were seriously injured in the midday accident in Mabinay town in Negros Oriental province, police spokesperson Lt. Stephen Polinar said. …
Read More »Mexican police confirm grisly gang video showing bodies kicked, burned and shot
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Authorities in Mexico said Wednesday they have largely confirmed the contents of a grisly drug cartel video showing gunmen shooting, kicking and burning the corpses of their enemies. In a country where videos of decapitations and executions have appeared on social media before, the video released Tuesday was still chilling. A squad of whooping, cursing gunmen …
Read More »Lithuania to close 2 more checkpoints with Russian ally Belarus as tensions along the border rise
VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — Lithuania decided Wednesday to seal off another two of its six checkpoints with Belarus as of next month, amid growing tensions with its eastern neighbor, an ally of Russia. This brings the total of closed border crossings into the Baltic country to four. The Lavoriskes and Raigardas checkpoints will stop functioning on March 1, as all …
Read More »Empresa en Japón despide a su presidente por acoso sexual
TOKIO (AP) — El jefe de una empresa de energía renovable en Japón fue despedido por acoso sexual, informaron ambas compañías el miércoles, mientras el movimiento #MeToo crece en el país. Japan Renewable Energy Corp., subsidiaria de Eneos Holdings, la principal refinadora del país, indicó en un comunicado que despidió al presidente Shigeru Yasu después de que una investigación interna …
Read More »Rivals of Pakistan’s ex-premier Khan name Shehbaz Sharif as joint candidate for prime minister
ISLAMABAD (AP) — The political rivals of Pakistan’s imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan announced details of a power-sharing agreement late Tuesday, naming Shehbaz Sharif as their joint candidate for prime minister. The much-awaited announcement followed days of talks among the leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League, or PML, the Pakistan People’s Party, or PPP, and other parties that did …
Read More »Familiares de muertos y heridos en protestas en Perú se agrupan para exigir celeridad a la justicia
LIMA (AP) — familiares de muertos y heridos en las protestas de hace un año contra el gobierno de Perú anunciaron el martes que formaron una organización que unificará los esfuerzos de grupos de diversas regiones para pedir investigaciones rápidas y cuidadosas. Raúl Samillán, el presidente de la nueva agrupación, dijo en una conferencia de prensa en Lima que el …
Read More »Agricultores griegos se dirigen en tractor a Atenas para pedir ayuda financiera al gobierno
ATENAS (AP) — Agricultores de toda Grecia se dirigían el martes a Atenas en convoyes de tractores para exigir más concesiones financieras al gobierno ante el alza del costo de la vida. Unos 200 tractores formaban la caravana principal que se dirigía al sur desde el centro del país. Se espera que miles de manifestantes viajen a la capital en …
Read More »China reduce tasa de interés en acción más reciente para impulsar su maltrecho sector inmobiliario
BANGKOK (AP) — El banco central de China anunció el martes que reducirá su tasa preferencial de crédito a 5 años y dejará sin cambios la tasa a un año, en la más reciente acción para disminuir la presión sobre el maltrecho mercado inmobiliario. La tasa a 5 años se redujo 0,25 puntos base a 3,95%, mientras que la tasa …
Read More »Ransomware group LockBit is disrupted by a global police operation that includes 2 arrests
LONDON (AP) — Law enforcement agencies have infiltrated and disrupted the prolific ransomware syndicate LockBit that has extracted $120 million from thousands of victims around the world, with two people arrested, British, U.S. and European officials said Tuesday. Britain’s National Crime Agency, or NCA, said it led an international operation targeting LockBit, which provides ransomware as a service to so-called …
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