WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s prime minister said on Friday that his country will upgrade the wall on its border with Belarus to better insulate the frontier against unauthorized migration. Donald Tusk also said that Poland and Finland both see the need for changes in the European Union’s asylum legislation, which he called “inadequate” in the face of the current …
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Slovak president challenges the government’s move to eliminate the special anti-graft prosecutor
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Slovakia’s president said Friday that she will challenge at the Constitutional Court an amendment to the country’s penal code that eliminates the office of the special prosecutor dealing with major crimes and corruption. President Zuzana Caputova said she was also asking Slovakia’s top court to freeze the legislation, which was approved by lawmakers loyal to populist …
Read More »Funcionarios: Mueren 5 pacientes por falta de oxígeno en hospital de Gaza tomado por Israel
RAFAH, Franja de Gaza (AP) — Cinco pacientes en cuidados intensivos murieron tras quedarse sin oxígeno en un asalto de tropas israelíes al principal hospital del sur de Gaza, una irrupción que desató el caos entre cientos de heridos, médicos y personal del hospital, informaron autoridades sanitarias el viernes. Los soldados registraban el complejo donde, de acuerdo con el ejército …
Read More »Slovak president challenges the government’s move to eliminate the special anti-graft prosecutor
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Slovakia’s president said Friday that she will challenge at the Constitutional Court an amendment to the country’s penal code that eliminates the office of the special prosecutor dealing with major crimes and corruption. President Zuzana Caputova said she was also asking Slovakia’s top court to freeze the legislation, which was approved by lawmakers loyal to populist …
Read More »Biden says Navalny’s reported death brings new urgency to the need for more US aid to Ukraine
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said Friday that the apparent death of Russian anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny brings new urgency to the need for Congress to approve tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine to stave off Moscow’s invasion. Speaking at the White House, Biden said that no matter the cause, he holds Russian President Vladimir Putin responsible for …
Read More »Ecuador ratifica acuerdos con Estados Unidos para operaciones marítimas transnacionales
QUITO (AP) — Ecuador ratificó el jueves dos acuerdos bilaterales con Estados Unidos que permiten a militares norteamericanos actuar en territorio ecuatoriano para identificar, impedir, combatir e interceptar actividades marítimas transnacionales como el tráfico de drogas. El presidente ecuatoriano, Daniel Noboa, suscribió dos decretos que ratifican el contenido de los acuerdos sobre “Operaciones contra actividades Marítimas Transnacionales Ilícitas” y el …
Read More »Crece preocupación por escasez de dólares en Bolivia que afecta al sector productivo, según gremios
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Empresarios bolivianos reclamaron el jueves al gobierno que tome medidas de fondo ante la escasez de dólares, un problema que se agudizó desde el año pasado y que ya está complicando las transacciones en el exterior para el sector productivo nacional. La administración del presidente Luis Arce plantea que se debe optimizar el uso de …
Read More »Mexico will likely elect a woman as its next president, but money to govern is already being spent
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico is almost certain to elect its first female president in June — both leading candidates are women — but it’s almost equally as certain that she won’t have much room to act independently of outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The populist president has continued proposing new, expensive projects in the closing months of his …
Read More »Nerve agents, poison and window falls. Kremlin foes have been attacked or killed over the years
TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — The attacks range from the exotic — poisoned by drinking polonium-laced tea or touching a deadly nerve agent — to the more mundane of getting shot at close range. Some take a fatal plunge from an open window. Over the years, Kremlin political critics, turncoat spies and investigative journalists have been killed or assaulted in a …
Read More »Western officials and Kremlin critics blame Putin and his government for Navalny’s death in prison
Follow the latest updates on this story. TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — World leaders and Russian opposition activists wasted no time Friday in blaming the reported death of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny on President Vladimir Putin and his government. “It is obvious that he was killed by Putin,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was visiting Germany for the Munich …
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