NEW YORK (AP) — Americans have become increasingly reliant on their credit cards since the pandemic. So much so that Capital One is willing to bet more than $30 billion that they won’t break the habit. Capital One Financial announced Monday that it would buy Discover Financial Services for $35 billion. The combination could potentially shake up the payments industry, …
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EEUU promete severas sanciones a Rusia por muerte de Navalny
WASHINGTON (AP) — La Casa Blanca anunció el martes que está preparando “sanciones severas” a Rusia por la muerte del líder opositor Alexei Navalny en una colonia penal en el Ártico. El asesor de seguridad nacional, Jake Sullivan, dijo que las sanciones —anunciadas en vísperas del segundo aniversario de la invasión de Rusia a Ucrania— “serán un paquete sustancial que …
Read More »West Virginia coal miner’s death caused by safety failures, federal report says
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Safety failures at a West Virginia underground coal mine caused the death of a miner last year, federal regulators found. The Mine Safety and Health Administration released its report last week in the drowning death of Christopher Finley, 39, at Twin State Mining Inc.’s Mine No. 39 in McDowell County, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reported. Finley drowned …
Read More »Agricultores griegos se dirigen en tractor a Atenas para pedir ayuda financiera al gobierno
ATENAS (AP) — Agricultores de toda Grecia se dirigían el martes a Atenas en convoyes de tractores para exigir más concesiones financieras al gobierno ante el alza del costo de la vida. Unos 200 tractores formaban la caravana principal que se dirigía al sur desde el centro del país. Se espera que miles de manifestantes viajen a la capital en …
Read More »Former Marine and crypto lawyer John Deaton to challenge Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren
BOSTON (AP) — Republican John Deaton, a former U.S. Marine and cryptocurrency attorney, announced Monday that he is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren as she runs for her third term in office. Deaton, who was born in Detroit and recently moved to Massachusetts, released a campaign video Monday highlighting his hardscrabble upbringing, his years in the Marines serving as …
Read More »Familiares de muertos y heridos en protestas en Perú se agrupan para exigir celeridad a la justicia
LIMA (AP) — familiares de muertos y heridos en las protestas de hace un año contra el gobierno de Perú anunciaron el martes que formaron una organización que unificará los esfuerzos de grupos de diversas regiones para pedir investigaciones rápidas y cuidadosas. Raúl Samillán, el presidente de la nueva agrupación, dijo en una conferencia de prensa en Lima que el …
Read More »Ransomware group LockBit is disrupted by a global police operation that includes 2 arrests
LONDON (AP) — Law enforcement agencies have infiltrated and disrupted the prolific ransomware syndicate LockBit that has extracted $120 million from thousands of victims around the world, with two people arrested, British, U.S. and European officials said Tuesday. Britain’s National Crime Agency, or NCA, said it led an international operation targeting LockBit, which provides ransomware as a service to so-called …
Read More »Capital One will buy Discover for $35 billion in deal that combines major US credit card companies
NEW YORK (AP) — Capital One Financial said it will buy Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation’s credit card companies as well as potentially shake up the payments industry, which is largely dominated by Visa and Mastercard. Under the terms of the all-stock transaction, Discover Financial shareholders will receive …
Read More »George H.W. Bush’s speedboat fetches $435,000 at benefit auction
HOUSTON (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush’s speedboat has a new owner. The 38-foot (11.5-meter) “Fidelity V” was auctioned for $435,000 during the George and Barbara Bush Foundation’s 2024 Presidential Salute benefiting the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, and The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, a spokesperson said. The event last …
Read More »A flight attendant accused of trying to record a teen girl in a plane’s bathroom is held until trial
BOSTON (AP) — An American Airlines flight attendant arrested on suspicion of trying to secretly video record a 14-year-old female passenger using an airplane bathroom last September is being held in custody pending trial. Police have also alleged that Estes Carter Thompson III, 37, of Charlotte, North Carolina, had recordings of four other minor female passengers using lavatories on an …
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