WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to extend the delay in his election interference trial, saying he is immune from prosecution on charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 election loss. His lawyers filed an emergency appeal with the court on Monday, just four days after the justices heard Trump’s separate appeal to remain …
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Officials are looking into why an American Airlines jetliner ran off the end of a Texas runway
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Federal safety officials said Monday they are investigating an incident in which an American Airlines jet had a braking problem and ran off the end of the runway after landing at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration said the plane went into a safety area beyond the end of the runway on Saturday …
Read More »Law enforcement in schools dominates 1st day of the Minnesota Legislature’s 2024 session
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The Minnesota Legislature convened Monday with lawmakers fast-tracking legislation to fix a law enacted last year that limits the powers of police who work in schools to restrain disruptive students. The change was one of several restrictions on the use of force passed in the state since the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis …
Read More »Tienda en Suiza coloca cartel avisando que no servirá a judíos
GINEBRA (AP) — La principal organización judía de Suiza denunció el lunes un cartel colocado en una tienda de esquís cerca de Davos que le prohíbe a judíos alquilar equipos. El cartel en el Monte Pischa cerca de Davos, un pueblo conocido por ser anfitrión del Foro Económico Mundial cada año, dice que no se alquilarán más esquís, botas ni …
Read More »A top Jewish group in Switzerland slams an antisemitic sign purportedly by a local ski rental stand
GENEVA (AP) — Switzerland’s main Jewish organization on Monday denounced an antisemitic sign put up at a local ski shop near Davos, barring Jews from renting equipment from the store. Regional police opened an investigation. The sign on Pischa Mountain above Davos, a town known for hosting the annual World Economic Forum meeting of global elites each January, said the …
Read More »Jen Pawol on verge of becoming first MLB woman umpire, gets full-time spring training assignment
NEW YORK (AP) — After nearly a decade climbing through the minor leagues, Jen Pawol is poised to break the umpiring gender barrier. “I’ve put the gas to full throttle and we are going for it. Full speed — full speed ahead,” she said Monday after she was among 24 minor league umpires assigned full-time as fill-ins at big league …
Read More »Feel the need for speed? Late president’s 75-mph speedboat is up for auction
KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine (AP) — It seems former President George H.W. Bush felt the need for speed in the waters off Maine, where he kept a nearly 1,000 horsepower speedboat. And for the right price, someone else can experience its excitement. The vessel is set to go up for auction on Thursday during the 2024 Presidential Salute auction in Houston, said …
Read More »Al Shabab reivindica ataque en Somalia que mató a 5 personas
DUBÁI (AP) — El grupo extremista Al Shabab, vinculado a Al Qaeda, se atribuyó un ataque que mató a cuatro soldados emiratíes y a un oficial militar bahreiní en una misión de entrenamiento en una base militar en la capital somalí, dijeron las autoridades el domingo. El ataque del sábado tuvo como objetivo las tropas en la Base Militar General …
Read More »Tormenta golpea a Nuevo México y ahora se dirige a Texas y Oklahoma
Los remanentes de la tormenta que castigó a California la semana pasada provocaron las primeras nevadas significativas de la temporada en el este de Nuevo México. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional advirtió el domingo que las carreteras estarán resbaladizas por nieve y hielo en el oeste de Texas y el centro de Oklahoma. Las autoridades emitieron un aviso de tormenta invernal …
Read More »Incendios Chile: más de 20.000 toneladas de escombros; advierten contra \”turismo de catástrofes\”
SANTIAGO (AP) — Ya son más de 20.000 las toneladas de escombros retiradas de los lugares arrasados por los incendios en la zona centro sur de Chile, informaron el sábado las autoridades, quienes también impusieron restricciones de circulación a los vehículos privados en la zona y recomendaron a los curiosos evitar el “turismo de catástrofes”. Las labores de remoción continúan …
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